- Rhoads & Rhoads is one of the largest personal injury firms in Western Kentucky with an earned reputation for being aggressive injury attorneys who get results.
- Personal injury attorneys handle all types of injury and disability cases including motor vehicle accidents, nursing home abuse, wrongful death, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice, disability and more.
- Statistical research, recommended reads and helpful tips gathered by Rhoads & Rhoads reflect some of the most trending personal injury accidents and disability claims expected for 2020.
- An increase in claims related to texting while driving accidents, struggles to access Black Lung funding, and a rise in ride-share crashes and social security denials are issues that should continue to be watched closely.
Top 10 Personal Injury Accident Trends to Watch for in 2020
When it comes to personal injury law, many of our clients have questions about what negligence is and how to prove someone else was responsible for their injuries and how will they be compensated for the related damages. They also want to know what to watch out for and what challenges they may face after filing a claim. Our attorneys have covered many personal injury related issues in 2019 and are committed to providing the same type of support in the year ahead. Here is our take on the top ten personal injury trends to watch out for and helpful reads for 2020.
- Increasing Concern for Pedestrian Accidents in Kentucky
The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) says our nation is guilty of having the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in nearly three decades.
Complicated intersections and walkways in populated locations pose the most common serious pedestrian injury risks, most often due to drivers who are distracted or using their phones to send text messages.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: Nationwide Rise in Pedestrian Accidents a Worrying Trend
- Kentucky Coal Mining and Black Lung Disease Compensation Struggles Will Continue
The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has failed to respond to the ongoing hazardous exposure of silica dust or recognize the toxic dust as an epidemic to coal mine workers.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: What Kentucky Coal Miners Should Know About Black Lung Disease
- Forklift Accident Injuries Surge
More than 2.8 billion workers are injured on the job each year, and thousands more die from work-related accidents that could have been prevented with the proper training and work-site protection. Kentucky’s Safety and Health Program for workers has received much criticism over the years for not thoroughly investigating forklift-related worker deaths and injuries.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: Forklift Accidents Are Rarely Investigated in Kentucky
- Ride-Sharing Accidents Will Increase
Research data from 2019, involving the University of Kentucky, has connected the rise in ride-sharing services to the increased amounts of car accidents caused by a new type of road congestion found in bigger cities.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: Determining Liability for Uber or Lyft Accidents
- Malpractice Claims Circle Back to Systemic Care Problems
Medical errors are often representative of overall system challenges related to unintegrated hospital systems, technology and communication methods, fragmented insurance networks, the lack of patient safety nets and negligent practitioners.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: Medical Malpractice: What You Should Know
- Insurance Adjusters Gain Momentum in Justifying Deadly Truck Driver Mistakes
An alarming review of the Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report trend analysis shows a steady increase in the number of crashes involving big trucks starting in 2016 (13 percent) compared to the previous four-year average. An enormous amount of insurance backs commercial truck drivers who are represented by experienced adjusters. These unfair professionals are becoming increasingly known to offer quick and reduced settlements and prove to be well-prepared to deny even the most just claims.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: 2019 Review of Deadly Semi-Truck Crashes in Kentucky
- Kentucky Motorcycle Fatality Risks and Lack of Rider Technology Training
Safety officials at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) say motorcyclists are 30 times more likely to die in a crash than occupants of cars. Male riders over the age of 40 contribute to the highest share of the fatalities nationwide, and alcohol, drug impairment, helmet use and lack of training or equipment knowledge are major crash risk factors.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: What to Know About Riding a Motorcycle in Kentucky
- Texting and Distracted Driving
Texting while driving has become the most significant contributor to distracted driving accidents for drivers of all ages. The preventable action causes 1.6 million crashes annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Using a phone to make or receive calls while driving in Kentucky is legal but should still be considered a distracting activity that puts drivers at risk of taking their attention off the road.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: All Ages To Blame for Texting While Driving Accidents
- Social Security Application Struggles
In Kentucky, Disability Determination Services makes disability determinations for both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) on behalf of the state’s commissioner, but that decision isn’t always well received by applicants. In May 2019, nearly 675,000 applicants who were initially denied benefits were still waiting for a hearing decision based on their appeal.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: 25 Things You Need to Know About Social Security Disability
- Seeking Compensation for Severe Neck and Back Injuries
Severe neck and back injuries caused by accidents, negligence, and intentional acts can also ignite physical changes throughout the structures in and surrounding the cervical spine or trauma to the brain (TBI). In Kentucky, approximately 30,000 brain injuries occur each year and thousands experience the onset struggle of long-term disability to follow.
Rhoads & Rhoads recommendation: Serious Whiplash-Related Pain Can Be Chronic and Debilitating
Personal Injury Lawyers with a Strong History of Supporting Kentucky Communities
The attorneys at Rhoads & Rhoads work hard to represent the seriously injured throughout Western Kentucky each day. We offer free initial consultations, and all cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, so there is no payment required upfront. Call us at 888-709-9329 to schedule an appointment with one of our Madisonville or Owensboro personal injury attorneys.
Also Read: Rhoads & Rhoads Lawyers Win Several Local Owensboro Awards